Garage Doors: A Guide to Upgrades and Maintenance

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Why Roller Doors Are The Best Choice For Any Garage Owner

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Garage doors are an essential part of your home's aesthetic because most properties have garages that face the street, and since they are on the ground floor, they are often the first feature visitors and pedestrians notice. However, it is not all about looks when it comes to your choice of garage door; after all, it has a critical function to perform. That means you need to look at strength, build quality and design in addition to the overall visual look of your garage door to make a good choice. That is also why you should consider roller doors choice.

Sectioned Panels Create Neater Patterns

Roller doors don't all come in the corrugated aluminium style that you are probably most familiar with. On the contrary, roller doors come in many different styles ranging from pristine glass to heavy iron slats that resemble something out of Jurassic Park. The one thing all these materials have in common on roller doors? The uniformed pattern looks that cover almost the entire front of the door. If you are someone who absolutely loves order and symmetry in their aesthetic, then you cannot go past roller doors.

Space Conscious

Unlike other types of garage doors, roller doors can be neatly bundled around a spool just inside your garage door. Most other designs require the door to be stored across the whole roof of the garage. This can cause problems if you are trying to store a lot of items in your garage or if you have a garage that is quite small. It also means your roller doors age less prematurely because they are stored securely and not left open to water, moist conditions or other environmental elements that might cause corrosion. If space is an issue in your property, then there is no better choice.


Roller door designs are very sectioned, and each individual section is built just as tough as all the others. This means there are no weak points in the most exposed areas in the middle of the garage door like they are on non-rolling options. For instance: on a garage door made out of one single piece of wood or metal, the centre of the garage door will have the least support of the whole door simply because it has the least direct connection to the edges, which are built the strongest. Overtime these doors decay far worse than roller doors, and it is not uncommon for repairs to be needed within your first decade. Roller doors last for years and years with very little maintenance due to the inherent benefits of its composition. 
